Resilience and Motivation in Times of War



27 November 2023, 19:00 - 13:00 


Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization, headed by Sigalit Ben Hayoun, held a webinar on "Resilience and Motivation in Times of War".


The webinar panel members were:


  • Prof. Ayelet Fishbach - Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago School of Business, and alumna of both the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Education at Tel Aviv University.

  • Yoram Shaliar - educational psychologist and organizational consultant, chairman of The Israel Psychological Association, and Tel Aviv University Faculty of Social Sciences alumnus.

The panel moderator:

  • Michal Schrieber - crisis management manager and owner of the "Phoenix - The Guide to Crisis Management" podcast, and Tel Aviv University Faculty of Social Sciences alumna 


Prof. Ayelet Fishbach gave a tip on motivation to the viewers: "Instead of asking for advice, give one. Advice increases the consultant's motivation."


Yoram Shaliar noted that:


"Studies show that 80% of those exposed to trauma recover from it spontaneously from their inner resilience without any external intervention. Resilience is often a trait acquired during the first years of a person's life and develops throughout his life. It is a well-known rule that children see the world through the eyes of their parents. Accordingly, Children who grow up in a safe environment with parents who are not anxious are more likely to not be anxious themselves, and vice versa. Undoubtedly, there are other factors that affect inner resilience and the ability to cope, such as the personality characteristics the child is born with and formative life events. Parents wonder how to calm their children when they themselves are anxious. Our role as parents often requires us to hide the worries and anxieties we feel from our children. In cases where parents are unable to do so, it is important that they seek professional assistance and support."


Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization - A World-Changing Community

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