An Evening which is a Dream Come True

The speech given by Sigal Adar, Head of the Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization, who has led the establishment and outlines the path of the Alumni Organization, managed by Sigalit Ben Hayoun, at the University's 60th anniversary event.

Sigal Adar, Head of the TAU Alumni Organization

Dear alumni,


If anyone had told me one year ago, when we first inaugurated the Alumni Organization at a modest event attended by 400 guests, that within 12 months I would be standing on this large, impressive stage, addressing a crowd of thousands, I would have said that this was a mere dream.


Come to think about it – this Organization really did begin as a dream.


A dream that grew and matured into a reality, thanks to the vision of one man – the President of this University. A President who regards the establishment of an Alumni Organization as an integral part of the university's mission, who sees our alumni as an inseparable part of the university's future.


I wish to thank you twice, Prof. Klafter – once for your vision, and a second time for the privilege you conferred upon me, of heading this unique organization.

Thank you so much.


As a proud alumna with three degrees from Tel Aviv University, I willingly and passionately took upon myself the mission of building and leading the Alumni Organization. In this task I am greatly assisted by my dear partner, the Executive Director of the Alumni Organization, Mrs. Sigalit Ben Hayoun.

Thank you, Sigalit. Without you, none of this would be possible.


The Alumni Organization is much more than its mere name suggests – it is a broad network of social connections, designed to improve all of our lives.


It is the starting point of a community, in which many would wish to live, and whose very existence is an ongoing, fascinating challenge. A community that operates for itself, but is also able, thanks to the skills, talents and capabilities of its members, to work for others. And if this statement of mine arouses any questions or doubts in your hearts, it is enough to recall the wave of social protests that swept through Israel and many other countries around the world, demonstrating in the best possible way the enormous ability of people acting together for a common goal, and revealing how they can indeed change the reality around them.


And when the people in question resemble those sitting here in the audience, graduates of Israel's leading university, individuals with the heart of entrepreneurs and the spirit of success - such people, together, can indeed go far.


We all understand that being a graduate of TAU is a privilege that comes with responsibility – the responsibility to be better, more influential citizens, who contribute more to the community in which we live.

Which realities will in fact be affected by the pooling of all of our powers, and what is the common mission of all TAU alumni?


Time will tell.


A long road stretches ahead of us, and I hope that this evening will be like a promising first date that makes us wish for more…


Perhaps a hint as to who among you will continue with us to the next date, may be found in your answers to the question: how many of you will recommend this university to your children and grandchildren?


Let me tell you that two of my three children are sitting here in this audience. My best indication for the great influence of studying here on my life, is the full knowledge that when they grow up, I will strongly advise them to also become part of this wonderful community.                                                                                 

Most of us may have completed our degrees a long time ago, but we will forever remain ambassadors of our university, continuing in its path, and leading the change.


This evening is yours to celebrate, enjoy, and feel proud of who we are and what we may yet become.


Thank you.

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