Alumnae Changing the World

Alumnae Changing the World
Alumnae Changing the World

Approx. 55% of all Tel Aviv University Alums Community are women. The university is proud of her Alumnae, who are game changers in Israel and abroad, acting to promote gender equality and narrow the inequality between women and men in the academy, especially in the world of female researchers. Not only is Tel Aviv University the biggest public research university, but it is also among the leading research universities in Israel in the category of gender equality.

The Tel Aviv Alumni Organization marks International Women's Day with unique events and inspiring alumnae, who present their actions and success towards changing the world in many different areas.

Furthermore, we at the TAU Alumni Organization are very particular about staying in touch and sharing our alumnae success stories, which feature on the list of most influential women in Israel and affect all aspects of the Israeli economy: science and academy, political leadership, business, entrepreneurship, public and foreign service, the justice system, culture, media and other aspects of life.


Leadership in Times of Crisis (International Women’s Day 2024)

Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization marked Women’s Day this year with a meetup with inspiring alumnae and leaders in times of crisis- Adi Zarifi, Dr. Gal Noyman-Veksler, Dr. Orit Stein Reisner, Irit Touitou, Dr. Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger >



They Can (International Women’s Day 2023)

Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization marked Women’s Day this year with a forum of world-changing alumnae – Elah Alkalay, Racheli Ganot, Lena Russovsky, Dr. Efrat Liani, Prof. Neta Ziv – with a musical number in honor of the 100th birthday of the queen of Hebrew music, Shoshana Damari >


The Inspiring (International Women’s Day 2022)

TAU Alumni Organization marked Women’s Day this year with a meetup with inspiring alumnae - Hilla Haddad Chmelnik, Liran Avisar Ben-Horin, Na’ama Schultz, Amalya Duek - in a musical number with Chava Alberstein’s songs by students from the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music >


Changing the World (International Women’s Day 2021)

Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization marked Women’s Day this year with a webinar with alumnae who change the world – Adv. Shulamit Geri, Tzipi Pines, Dr. Sharon Shacham, Lee Abramovich, Prof. Ilana Eli – who were also invited to watch the award-winning movie, The Perfect Candidate 


Changing the Game Rules (International Women’s Day 2019)

Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization marked International Women’s Day this year with an empowering event about game-changing women – Adi Soffer-Teeni, Sarit Firon, Lilac Sigan, Talia Harel Bejerano – and a show by the singer Dikla 


Feminine Energy (International Women’s Day 2018)

Tel Aviv University Alumni Organization marked Women’s Day this year with a forum full of feminine energy and an intimate discussion between two alumnae stars – Tali Moreno and Alona Bar On, in addition to a stand-up comedy hosted by Orna Banai 



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